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Application for Recovery of Wrong Deposit?

Dear KCEX Users,

KCEX only supports deposits of coins listed on the assets list and its standard blockchain. If you unintentionally deposit an unsupported cryptocurrency or use an unsupported blockchain, you can contact the KCEX team for assistance in verification and attempting to recover your assets. If your deposit can be successfully retrieved, our customer service will guide you to send a 100 USDT processing fee to the TRC20 address ending with "x4f2". In the event that your assets cannot be successfully recovered, KCEX will refund the processing fee to you.


The following are examples of situations where erroneous deposits may occur:


Missing or Incorrect MEMO in Deposit: Tags or MEMOs are unique identifiers assigned to each account, crucial for ensuring accurate accounting of deposits for certain cryptocurrencies like XLM, XRP, KAVA, ATOM, BAND, EOS, etc. When depositing these assets, it is crucial to input the corresponding tag or MEMO to ensure a successful transaction.


Deposit to Hot Wallet: When depositing to KCEX, you send tokens to a specific deposit address. During withdrawals, the sending address will not be the same as the deposit address used previously; instead, it will be one of our hot wallet addresses. Be cautious not to send assets to the hot wallet withdrawal address. Follow deposit instructions and carefully check the deposit address to avoid issues.

Depositing Delisted/Unlisted Tokens: We regularly conduct strict evaluations of all digital assets listed on our platform to ensure they meet our high standards. If a token fails to maintain these standards or if there are changes in the industry landscape, we conduct a thorough reassessment and may choose to delist the token. Please be careful not to deposit delisted or unlisted tokens into your KCEX account.

Deposit to Incorrect Address or Network:
Before proceeding with the deposit, please carefully verify the deposit address and network to ensure that the assets are deposited into the correct address and corresponding network. Depositing to the wrong address or network may result in the assets not being credited. In the event of such a situation, please contact online customer service immediately for assistance.



If you encounter any of the above deposit errors, please contact our online customer support or email for resolution. Provide your UID, deposited cryptocurrency, deposit amount, deposit address, blockchain transaction ID, and a detailed explanation of the situation to our customer support team. This information is crucial for our review process and to assist you in recovering your assets. Thank you for your cooperation.


If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out to our customer service team.


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The KCEX Team